Installment Five

Rally pipers

The parade of Scotties through the town of Baileys Harbor is always a rally highlight.  Clan Donald arrived at Scottie Headquarters to signal it was time.  We enjoyed a medley of songs as we assembled.

Indy and Lucy

We are dressed in our kilts and ready to go.

Mom wanted to honor some Scotties special to her who crossed the Bridge this year so donations were made to St. Louis Scottish Terrier Rescue in their name.  Their tags adorned the parade float and mailed to the owners afterward.  Mom knows they loved the parade if only in spirit.

Donation Scottie tag for STLSTR Parade Float


These girls work tirelessly for Scottie rescue. “Thanks”

Baileys Harbor residents and tourists lined the street of the parade route to welcome us.  It was a perfect time. ~ Indy and Lucy